September 30th, 2008
Here’s chapter 56 (SnK manga): MediaFire Here’s chapter 57 (SnK manga): MediaFire Here’s chapter 58 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Suckle on another 3 chapters like Romulus and Remus suckled on the she-wolf’s titty! Now, would SnK really be Hokuto worthy if it didn’t have a giant in it? I Guess not :D
On a different note, you guys will be happy to hear that we’ve got a new translator, SystematicChaos, for the SnK anime!!! He’s already translated episode 13, and it’s going through technical overhaul as we speak :D SystematicChaos, I salute and thank you for coming to the rescue ;)
PS – Don’t forget to download Episode 12v2.
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
September 28th, 2008
Here’s chapter 54 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Here’s chapter 55 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Here’s Volume 05 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Another volume bites the dust! What can I say apart from the staff are super speed gods! Expect more hot chicks…um…I mean chapters soon ;)
Don’t forget to download version 2 of Episode 12, and that we still urgently need a Japanese to English translator for the anime. Please join us if you have those skills, so we can finish off those 14 remaining episodes too.
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
September 27th, 2008

Here’s Episode 12v2 of the SnK anime:
Torrent | MegaUpload

Here’s Episode 12 version 2. Don’t expect anything different here, we just fixed the timing which was a little off before. I have changed and substituted the Megaupload and torrent links in both the previous Episode 12 post, and in the downloads section. Enjoy!
Come on guys, we still urgently need a Japanese to English translator for the anime. Please join us if you have those skills, so we can finish off those 14 remaining episodes too.
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
September 25th, 2008
Here’s chapter 49 (SnK manga): UploadJockey Here’s chapter 50 (SnK manga): UploadJockey Here’s chapter 51 (SnK manga): UploadJockey Here’s chapter 52 (SnK manga): UploadJockey Here’s chapter 53 (SnK manga): UploadJockey
Here’s 5, yes 5, new chapters!!!!!! 4 chapters come courtesy of our speed king translator/editor par excellence Onsokumaru, and 1 chapter from Dukester, who finally gets his well earned debut! Now for those lucky few that managed to get all 52 chapters of the English Raijin editions, you’ll be happy to know that by releasing chapter 53, we have officially gone where no English edition has ever gone before (queue the music). That means you guys will be getting your mitts on stuff that’s never been released in English from now on! Now go enjoy Kenshiro in a brothel :D
Please don’t forget that we still urgently need a Japanese to English translator for the anime. Please join us if you have those skills, so we can finish off those 14 remaining episodes too.
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
September 22nd, 2008
Here’s chapter 45 (SnK manga): UploadJockey Here’s chapter 46 (SnK manga): UploadJockey Here’s chapter 47 (SnK manga): UploadJockey Here’s chapter 48 (SnK manga): UploadJockey
Here’s 4 new chapters in record breaking times, thanks to our new translator/editor Onsokumaru! Now, to all the perverts out there (cough…Effatus …cough), rejoice and enjoy the ultimate Hokuto pervert, Zhang Tai-Yan :D
Please don’t forget that we still urgently need a Japanese to English translator for the anime. Please join us if you have those skills, so we can finish off those 14 remaining episodes too.
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
September 20th, 2008
Here’s chapter 42 (SnK manga): UploadJockey Here’s chapter 43 (SnK manga): UploadJockey Here’s chapter 44 (SnK manga): UploadJockey
And Hokuto Volume Slap…
Here’s Volume 04 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Volume 04 has been crushed!
Well actually, many thanks go to Onsokumaru (our new translator/editor) who saved the day by translating and editing the last 2 chapters at great and manly speeds :D Want more good news? Another amazing translator called Dukester has joined the team, and he’s now currently translating the latter chapters of volume 5. So yes, you heard me correctly, we now have two translators for the SnK manga!!! This means that you lucky fellas are gonna get some quick bulk chapters later on thanks to these guys, so please thank them and the rest of the staff for their hard work.
Now with that being said, please don’t forget that we still urgently need a Japanese to English translator for the anime. Please join us if you have those skills, so we can finish off those 14 remaining episodes too.
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
September 14th, 2008
Here’s chapter 41 (SnK manga): UploadJockey
Here is the long awaited chapter 41. It took a while because I was on holiday, but don’t expect any fast releases any time soon until we get another translator. Thus, we urgently need Japanese to English and French to English translators for both the manga and the anime. Please join us if you have those skills, so we can get back to a decent release schedule.
EDIT: The Uploadjockey link is working, but it just takes sometime to load because the site has been a little glichy lately. For those who just can’t get it to work, here are the direct links:
FileFactory | EasyShare | Badongo | RapidShare | MegaUpload
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
September 9th, 2008
Dear Hokuto clan,
I’m back from my holidays, but I just found out that Effatus (our super speed editor and translator for the SnK manga) is too busy with real life to continue with the pace of production you guys are all used to. The same has happened with our translator for the SnK anime, whom I haven’t heard from in a while. I too am also very busy with real life to do fast translations, although I will still continue translating, albeit at much slower speeds, as long as TUIII (the only editor left) keeps editing and doesn’t leave the group. Thus, the Hokuto Army is sorely lacking the required staff to keep it going, so we urgently need your help!!!
Our first priority is TRANSLATORS, and we therefore need:
1. A French to English translator for the SnK manga.
2. A Japanese to English translator for the SnK anime.
If you can help us please join the team ASAP, otherwise you’ll just have to wait for slow releases, or maybe no releases at all! Let’s hope someone shows up so the latter doesn’t happen.
PS – Chapter 41 of the manga has been translated and our editor is working on it right now. Our encoder is hopefully going to do a 2nd version of Episode 12 of the anime because it was slightly mis-timed. It’s almost unnoticeable, but perfectionists like SoH and myself just can’t let it slide.
News |
Posted by loverofhokuto