October 31st, 2009
Hey everyone,
It has come to our attention that a certain Youtube user known as KinnikumanLegacy has been posting our Kinnikuman releases without our permission at Youtube. Now, normally we wouldn’t mind, but since this is a Toei product (and they tend to be a pain about these things), we really don’t want to attract unwarranted attention to ourselves or this site. Therefore, we will not release episode 4, or any other episodes for that matter, unless these videos are removed from Youtube. I suggest all the Youtube account holders who want to see more Kinnikuman from us message this guy and tell him that he is to blame for the hold up. Lastly, if we see any of our videos posted on Youtube again, we will simply refrain from releasing the next episode until the said videos are taken down.
Now in more pressing news, we urgently need staff for SystematicChaos’ new projects! Please come and help us if you want speeder Bobobo and Otokojuku releases. SC specifically needs:
1) Someone to re-time the Bobobo script. In other words, timing has to be checked at the beginning, after the opening, after the commercial break(s), and after the ending. Also, from episode 4 on, the timer will need to time the captions with timing delays.
2) A karaoke creator for the Otokojuku anime.
Feel free to drop SystematicChaos a line at systematic.chaos.713@gmail.com if you want to join.
UPDATE: KinnikumanLegacy took the videos down, so it looks like you’ll be getting episode 4 soon! As for the Bobobo or Otokojuku fans; don’t expect those anytime soon because we still haven’t got any volunteers.
News |
Posted by loverofhokuto
October 27th, 2009
Here’s chapter 15 (HnK Jagi manga): MediaFire
Here’s Volume 02 (HnK Jagi manga): MediaFire
Here’s Vol.01&02 (HnK Jagi manga): Torrent
Here it is…the final chapter and tankobon of Jagi Gaiden!
First off, I’d like to give a big thanks and congrats to the following:
Wimmo for translating, scanning and completing his first Hokuto manga series here at HnG; TUIII for really putting in the time and effort to help clean, re-size and skillfully edit this series so you guys can get the top quality scans you’ve come to expect; and Dopefiend for helping us crop and clean the first tankobon.
Now as for the technical stuff;
1) I’ve included the Ryuken Gaiden one-shot in both the chapter and the tankobon because it was included as a bonus chapter in the actual tankobon release.
2) I’ve included the special bonus chapter 12.5, which strangely wasn’t included in the Japanese tankobon release, and we even edited it in the actual contents. So think yourselves lucky, because you guys are actually getting a one off missing half chapter that might never see the light of day again!
3) For those of you who are downloading the chapters individually, you should know that the ch.15 release has both the tankobon covers and Ryuken Gaiden, but you’ll have to manually rename the bonus chapter 12.5 you downloaded a while back if you want it in the right order. There is a simpler option of course; you could just download the 2nd tankobon which has been re-named and arranged properly.
Oof! Stick a fork in me, I’m done.
Now enjoy the conclusion to this off the wall Hokuto series!
EDIT: We don’t really have many seeders, so please help us seed!
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
October 25th, 2009
Here’s Episode 24 of the SnK anime:
Torrent | MegaUpload

Finally, more SnK anime!
Get ready for the usual escapades of Kenshiro and Co.!
Continuing with the countdown…2…
EDIT – Torrent are up! Please help us seed!!
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
October 21st, 2009

Here’s Episode 03 of Kinnikuman!
MKV: Torrent | Megaupload
AVI: Torrent | Megaupload

Here’s another great episode from the spectacular HnG Muscle Subs Team! Another job well done, guys!
Now… “Go! Go! Muscle! Ring ni inazuma hashiri…la la la la”
Arggghhhhhh…can’t…get…song…out of my head!
EDIT – Torrents are up! Please help us seed!
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
October 20th, 2009
Here’s chapter 14 (HnK Jagi manga): MediaFire
Just 1 more to go Jagi lovers!
PS – I was hoping to release episode 24 of SnK today, but there was a little problem in the karaoke so it’s back to the drawing board. Don’t worry though, we should get a new encode sometime this week. If it’s any consolation, a lot of you will be happy to hear that episode 3 of Kinnikuman is coming real soon!
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
October 18th, 2009
Here’s the HnK: Legend of Heroes CGI:
AVI MU | MKV MU | AVI & MKV Torrent

Here’s a little treat titled Hokuto no Ken: Legend of Heroes for you all! Dear Wimmo was kind enough to translate and time this baby, while DaiKenOh did his usual encoding magic. Now, enjoy this small 6 minute CGI movie in both avi and mkv formats!
PS: The torrent is up! Please help us seed!
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
October 15th, 2009
Here’s chapter 115 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Another kick ass chapter from us to you! Bet you can’t wait for the next one? Don’t worry, it’s in the editing chamber so you should hopefully have it by tomorrow ;)
PS – Calling on all you Jagi fans! Jagi fans, you there? You’ll be happy to hear that the last 3 chapters of Jagi Gaiden are in the editing chamber, so expect them relatively soon.
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto