November 30th, 2009
Here’s chapter 10 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire
“The show must go on…”
Well, we lost a very talented translator and very dear friend, but the show must go on. I have a few completed scripts left before we’ll need the help of another translator, so translators please offer your services. For the record, SystematicChaos has offered to help later on, but he’s already super busy and swamped with his own projects and translations as is. Regardless, here’s chapter 10 in tribute to our lost homey!
PS: Dukester and SystematicChaos are a little tied down at the moment so expect a bit of a delay on the SnK manga release.
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
November 26th, 2009
Hi guys,
It is with great sadness that I announce to you today the cancellation of Kinnikuman. Unfortunately, the translator that was helping out had to retire permanently due to some very serious real life issues that have arisen, so it’s curtains I’m afraid. I’m sure a lot of you will be heartbroken by the news, but I ask you to refrain from asking me what happened because this is a personal matter I cannot disclose. I’m more than willing to give Kinnikuman another go if there’s any other translators out there who’d like to volunteer, but as of now, consider this canceled.
I’d also like to state that the Hokuto Gaiden manga projects (not the SnK manga) are also going to suffer a rather significant slow down too, because we’ve only got 1 translator left. Again, if there’s any translator out there who wants to help us out, please don’t hesitate to drop me a line at my email.
Sorry guys, I know a lot of you will be gutted by the news, but there’s really nothing else I can do now. If it’s any consolation, I do have Episode 5, so I’ll release that sometime next week.
News |
Posted by loverofhokuto
November 24th, 2009
Here’s Episode 25 of the SnK anime:
Torrent | MegaUpload

Mmmhh, I’ll have one of those!
Btw, check out the name on the bottle ;)
“It’s the final countdown”…1…more to go!!!
PS: Chapters 123 & 124 should be coming in one or two days. We had some email technical difficulties so we’re a little delayed.
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
November 20th, 2009
Here’s chapter 09 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire
More Rei coming through, and a familiar guest appearance from the genius.
Now for some sad news for Toki fans. Basically, we’re already overworked as is, and Toki is a mindfuck to translate, so we’ve decided to take on 1 Gaiden at a time. In other words, Wimmo’s going to work on Rei Gaiden until its done first and then focus exclusively on Toki Gaiden. I know this is a bit of a kick in the pants for Toki fans, but if it’s any consolation, we should be able to do faster releases this way, and Wimmo will be able to get better immersed without being distracted by two Hokuto stories.
Anyways, enjoy!
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
November 15th, 2009

Here’s Episode 04 of Kinnikuman!
MKV: Torrent | Megaupload
AVI: Torrent | Megaupload

Here it is, here’s Episode 4!
For those of you who enjoy our hard work; happy viewing, this is for you. For the impatient whining ballsack complainers; shut your mouths and get off your fat assess and contribute something productive you stupid assholes. Stop discouraging our staff who have enough on their plates to hear silly comments like “eeeeeeeeeeeeeiiii…why this”, and “waaaaahhhh…youtube”, or “blubber blubber…I saw a minuscule error.” Seriously this is getting tiring, and frankly, we’ve had enough. We branched out and added more work onto ourselves to make people happy, so seriously, either help encourage us or just stop coming here you damn hypocrites.
EDIT: Torrents are up! As always, please help seed!
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
November 14th, 2009
Here’s chapter 121 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Here’s chapter 122 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Here’s Volume 11 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Another volume in the bag!
Let me begin with a riddle from Dukester:
If Erika is John Connor and Fei Yan is Arnold, what does that make Kenshiro?
Now enjoy and shed some man tears!
PS: In case you’re wondering; I’ve included the fixed contents and character info pages of volume 11 in Chapter 122. Plop them into you Volume 11 folder or just download Volume 11 that has them already included.
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
November 7th, 2009
Here’s chapter 01 (Gunmania manga): MediaFire

Here is the first part of a rare 3 chapter mini-series by Kota Hirano (the creator of Hellsing). The story follows the escapades of a demented hitman known as Bando who takes out his targets whilst simultaneously confusing all onlookers with his whacked out mental disposition!
Let me just say that this project was TUIII’s brainchild, so you can all thank him for asking us to pick up this lost gem. As always, the stars of the show are Wimmo for translating yet another series and TUIII for skillfully editing a pretty bad looking raw.
We’re gonna do all 3 parts so stay tuned…
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
November 5th, 2009

Here’s Episode 01v2 of Kinnikuman!
MKV: Torrent | Megaupload
AVI: Torrent | Megaupload

Episode 4 is coming soon, but we thought we’d tide you over with a second updated and fixed Episode 1 in the meantime. Enjoy!
EDIT: Torrents are up! Please help seed!
PS: If you like our releases, please show your appreciation and support by participating in our Forum’s Kinnikuman Section.
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto