January 30th, 2011
Here’s chapter 141 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Some more SnK…
And the introduction of another HnK character!
2 more chapters are in the editing chamber and should be ready by Wednesday.
Get ready for some Rei next.
EDIT: Be sure to check out SoH’s really cool HnG Hokuto Musou/Ken’s Rage Goodies, Wallpapers, Clips and Sounds Galore Forum Exclusive right HERE
PS: Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
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Posted by loverofhokuto
January 25th, 2011
Here’s chapter 02 (HnK Juuza manga): MediaFire
More Juuza!
Now guys, we haven’t forgot the other Hokuto projects, it’s just I had to go out of town on work AGAIN! Anyhoo, get ready for some chapters of SnK next followed by a nice surprise. And let’s say a fond farewell to Seven Stars and get ready to welcome Cypher from chapter 3 onward.
PS: Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
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Posted by loverofhokuto
January 15th, 2011
Here’s Episode 05 of the Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo Anime:

Team Hajike is back in business! Here’s episode 5 with many more to come in the future! And yes, this may be taking a bit longer than we’d promised, but Bo-bobo is no cakewalk to translate (nor typeset for that matter), and the scripts’ timing really needs touching up. But we’ll keep bringing you your dose of funny regardless of the setbacks! Now, in this episode we finally learn just who it is that is following Bo-bobo… or do we?
Hokuto fans, get ready for a real big surprise in the next few days!
We are still recruiting translation checkers and proofreaders and we could always use a few extra timers and quality checkers!
Read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!
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Posted by SystematicChaos
January 13th, 2011
Here’s chapter 01 (HnK Juuza manga): MediaFire

Déjà vu? Déjà vu?
Yes. Yes.
Let’s kick off the New Year with Juuza Gaiden again, only this time we’re using the tankobon raws thanks to our new recruit Calzone. And speaking of which, you guys are actually getting a really nice treat with these new raws because the art on Juuza has been completely reworked (Juuza is now drawn as a man rather than an annoying little boy) and some of the mistakes in the comic raws have now been cleared up. That said, this series wouldn’t have been possible without the staff so I’d like to take a moment and say thanks to Calzone for the scans, the cleaning, coloring (at points) and the editing; Seven Stars for translating the first 2 chapters before leaving; Cypher who will be completing the translation from chapter 3 onward; and good ol’ SystematicChaos for his excellent translation checks which I’d be lost without.
Enough talk! Now pucker up Juuza fans because the playboy is here.
PS: Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
EDIT: DD Hokuto no Ken has just been released on Japanese television. We really want to do it so please pass on the raws if you get them. Remember, the sooner we get them, the sooner it’ll be released.
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Posted by loverofhokuto
January 12th, 2011
Here’s episode 12 of the Genshi Shonen Ryu anime!
AVI MU | MKV MU | AVI & MKV Torrent

Here’s another one! Time for some intense training, all that we need is a montage! Ten episodes left to go, but no, we’re not doing the final countdown this time. We’ll make up for it with an underwater dinosaur eating grass for a full minute.
We are still recruiting translation checkers and proofreaders and we could always use a few extra timers and quality checkers! See below for details!
Read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!
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Posted by SystematicChaos
January 11th, 2011
Here’s episode 11 of the Genshi Shonen Ryu anime!
AVI MU | MKV MU | AVI & MKV Torrent

We’re halfway through! Go grab this episode and enjoy a few good panthers and boobies (and not seventy-year-olds’ this time)! More to come in the upcoming weeks, so don’t forget to check back for a few surprises!
We are still recruiting translation checkers and proofreaders and we could always use a few extra timers and quality checkers! See below for details!
Read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!
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Posted by SystematicChaos
January 10th, 2011
Here’s episode 10 of the Genshi Shonen Ryu anime!
AVI Batch Torrent | MKV Batch Torrent

We’ve been a bit busy over the holidays, but we’ve got a good lineup coming for this year. First off, enjoy some more monkey pelvic thrusting… but with snow this time!
We are still recruiting translation checkers and proofreaders and we could always use a few extra timers and quality checkers! See below for details!
Read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!
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Posted by SystematicChaos