Hey, everyone. SystematicChaos here with some very special announcements.
At Hokuto no Gun we’re constantly dedicated to bringing you more and more manly anime and manga. Aside from what we are currently releasing, we have several projects in “secret development” that we haven’t officially announced. These projects are in varying stages of completion, some very close to being done and some that won’t be released for a while. But what I’d like to do today is get you all pumped and reveal what we currently have on the Hokuto no Gun Secret Development List, as well as give you even more updates!
Remember when I announced that we’d be picking up Emblem Take II and Aah Harimanada? Well, the raws are almost here; I’ll get them in about a week! Once we get them, we’ll start making some significant progress!
But that’s not the only anime series we’ve been working on. If you’ve been active on our forums or actually look at our projects page and progress report, you’ll notice that we’ve started Osu!! Karate Bu, an OVA filled with manly karate action, very similar to Otokojuku. It’s not quite the masterpiece Otokojuku is, but if you loved Otokojuku (as many of you do), I can guarantee you’ll like Karate Bu. This project is almost done and you should see the first episode in the next week or so!
Speaking of Otokojuku, I’ve been coming down with a fever… Otokojuku fever, that is! We’re doing a bunch of the Otokojuku manga, because the anime series wasn’t enough manliness for us! We’re starting with the manliest origin story of all time: Peerless: The Legend of Edajima Heihachi! Now you, too, can learn what the Principal of Otokojuku was like before he became the Principal of Otokojuku!
At the same time that we’re doing the previous generation, we’re also focusing on the next generation in Akatsuki!! Otokojuku: Young Men, Embrace the Great Death! It’s the sequel to Otokojuku, focusing on Tsurugi Momotaro’s son Shishimaru and a whole new generation of Otokojuku students, with even more manly battles than before!
And finally, I know we’re gonna get some flak for this, but we’re doing the original Sakigake!! Otokojuku manga. We’ve found the translations currently out there to be unsatisfactory, hard to read, and mostly inaccurate, and Otokojuku deserves better! However, since it has already been translated and many of you have read it before, this will be lowest priority.
Not a man? Otokojuku not your thing? Historical drama suit you better? Well there’s a little something for everyone (except lolicons) here at Hokuto no Gun: We present to you Keiji of the Flowers: On the Other Side of the Clouds! It’s a fictionalized account of the life of Maeda Keiji, one of the most eccentric samurai that ever lived! Drawn by Tetsuo Hara himself, so you’re sure to get good artwork, manliness, and lots of gore!
Remember, guys, these projects will in no way slow down our current projects! So no complaining!
And some good news for our Bo-bobo fans: We may have a new translation checker!
That covers most of our secret development! Now let’s kick off this party with a little Legend of Edajima Heihachi!!
Here’s chapter 01: MediaFire

Special thanks to morena684 of Rawmanga-BK for the scans, SpiritofHokuto20xx for proofreading, and Haku for the edit!
Also: If anyone can scan volumes 8-10 of this manga, we’re missing them. We might also appreciate the scans of the Osu!! Karate Bu manga.
Now for a major update of that projects page…
Saizen-HnG is in urgent need of J->E translators!
Please take some time to keep the March 11 Sendai Earthquake in your thoughts, and do whatever you can do help out!
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