October 31st, 2011
Here’s Special 2 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire
Here’s Special Volume (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire
Happy Halloweenage!
Here’s the last of the specials, and ultimately the end of the Rei Gaiden saga. As mentioned, this, in contrast to the previous special, takes place after the Rei Gaiden manga, and includes a new surprise character that’s ribbed for your pleasure.
I’d also like to say many thanks again to SystematicChaos for his fawesome translations; Calzone for his faster than lightning edits (who was sometimes popping out up to 2 edits a day!); and denshousha for his most excellent scans!
And before you ask…now that we’re done with Rei, we will start on Toki Gaiden sometime in November so we can take you on the journey of that great manga’s conclusion too.
Don’t forget to scroll down for some SnK and Kinnikuman!!
PS: The forum is down once again due to bandwidth problems, but it don’t worry, it’ll be back tomorrow.
DONATION DRIVE for Tatakae!! Ramenman has begun! Please donate if you wish to see this spin-off subbed!
Goal: $200
Current: $62
Remaining: $138
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Posted by loverofhokuto
October 30th, 2011
Here’s Special 1 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire
Occupy Rei Gaiden! Here’s the first special chapter of Rei Gaiden that started it all! This Special takes place before the Rei Gaiden Manga, whereas as the second Special (could it be coming soon?) takes place after.
Now enjoy yet another threat from your friendly neighborhood HnG!
Don’t forget to scroll down for Kinnikuman and the end of Rei Gaiden!
DONATION DRIVE for Tatakae!! Ramenman has begun! Please donate if you wish to see this spin-off subbed!
Goal: $200
Current: $62
Remaining: $138
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Posted by loverofhokuto
October 29th, 2011
Here’s chapter 166 (SnK manga): MediaFire
The combo continues, and what do cigars and Wolves have in common? Read this chapter and you’ll find out.
Don’t forget to scroll down for Kinnikuman and the end of Rei Gaiden!
DONATION DRIVE for Tatakae!! Ramenman has begun! Please donate if you wish to see this spin-off subbed!
Goal: $200
Current: $62
Remaining: $138
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Posted by loverofhokuto
October 28th, 2011
Here’s episode 22 of the Kinnikuman anime!
AVI MU | MKV MU | AVI & MKV Torrent

We told you that we’d have more Kinnikuman on the way! In this episode, Kinnikuman goes to America, and many superhero references are made! Also, Kinkotsuman as a ninja.
Scroll down for the exciting end of Rei Gaiden!
DONATION DRIVE for Tatakae!! Ramenman has begun! Please donate if you wish to see this spin-off subbed!
Goal: $200
Current: $62
Remaining: $138
Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
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Posted by SystematicChaos
October 27th, 2011
Here’s chapter 54 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire
Here’s Volume 06 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire
Slap, punch, little kick…Feast your eyes on a full month of non stop combo manliness, and what better way to celebrate than having another Gaiden bite the dust! That’s right…We came, we saw, we killed Gaddafi…um, I mean Rei Gaiden! So here you are, go check out this baby out if you haven’t read it yet because it’s the greatest of all the Gaidens so far in my IMO!
Many thanks as always to SystematicChaos, Wimmo & Seven Stars for their excellent and super fast translations; TUIII, Calzone and Haku for their great edits; Dopefiend & dxInt for Proofreading; El Bastardo & Guill666 for the scans; and denshousha for the color scans!
Now enjoy the end of Rei Gaiden and let’s hope it gets animated some day!
Don’t forget to scroll down for some Tiger Mask and Kinnikuman!
DONATION DRIVE for Tatakae!! Ramenman has begun! Please donate if you wish to see this spin-off subbed!
Goal: $200
Current: $62
Remaining: $138
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Posted by loverofhokuto
October 26th, 2011
Here’s chapter 02 (Tiger Mask Manga): MediaFire
Oh, what’s this? You were expecting Rei Gaiden? Well, too bad! You get to learn about the tragic backstory of the mighty Tiger Mask! Rei Gaiden coming tomorrow!
Thanks to SpiritofHokuto for his donation!
And don’t forget to visit HappyScans’ website!
DONATION DRIVE for Tatakae!! Ramenman has begun! Please donate if you wish to see this spin-off subbed!
Goal: $200
Current: $62
Remaining: $138
Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
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Posted by SystematicChaos
October 25th, 2011
Here’s episode 21 of the Kinnikuman anime!
AVI MU | MKV MU | AVI & MKV Torrent

We interrupt your regular scheduling of Rei Gaiden to bring you the latest episode of Kinnikuman, featuring the fight between Kinnikuman and Jesse Maivia, plus the first of Kinnikuman’s signature techniques!
All together, now: Fuu! Rin! Ka! Zan! Fuu! Rin! Ka! Zan! Fuu! Rin! Ka! Zan!
Scroll down for some more Rei Gaiden and stay tuned tomorrow for its wonderful conclusion! And Kinnikuman fans, don’t go away because more episodes are on the verge of release! (We mean it this time!)
DONATION DRIVE for Tatakae!! Ramenman has begun! Please donate if you wish to see this spin-off subbed!
Goal: $200
Current: $12
Remaining: $188
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Posted by SystematicChaos
October 24th, 2011
Here’s chapter 53 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire
The Star of Justice has awoken!
And in case you didn’t notice, there’s only one more to go before the Mighty HnG crushes yet another project.
Don’t forget to scroll down for some Mars and Ashita no Joe!
DONATION DRIVE for Tatakae!! Ramenman has begun! Please donate if you wish to see this spin-off subbed!
Goal: $200
Current: $12
Remaining: $188
Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
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Posted by loverofhokuto
October 23rd, 2011
Here’s chapter 52 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire
A tyke, the story of Rinrei, and love, oh sweet love…
Also, many thanks to yomangg and calzone for their donations.
Don’t forget to scroll down for some Mars and Ashita no Joe!
DONATION DRIVE for Tatakae!! Ramenman has begun! Please donate if you wish to see this spin-off subbed!
Goal: $200
Current: $12
Remaining: $188
Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
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Posted by loverofhokuto
October 22nd, 2011
Here’s chapter 51 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire
Will our hero regain his true Nanto Suicho Ken? Will a dead spirit come back from the spirit world for a quick chat? Will Freezer ever use Lube to cushion the impact? Stay tuned and most will be revealed…
Don’t forget to scroll down for some Mars and Ashita no Joe!
DONATION DRIVE for Tatakae!! Ramenman has begun! Please donate if you wish to see this spin-off subbed!
Goal: $200
Current: $0
Remaining: $200
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Posted by loverofhokuto