Here’s 1 Year Tribute (SoH Video): MediaFire
Here’s Volume 02 (Toki manga): MediaFire
Here’s Volume 03 (Toki manga): MediaFire
Here’s Volume 21 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Here’s Volume 03 (Keiji manga): MediaFire

Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears; Hear ye, hear ye for HnG hath completed its 365 one year combo of back to back releases, everyday in every way, for your viewing and reading pleasure. And what better way to have the combo than to give you not 1, not 2, not even 3, but 4 volumes of Hara goodness, including 2 nice big volumes of stalled Toki Gaiden to boot. We also wanted to have all of SnK done for the combo, but vacation and real life work didn’t allow it. Still, there’s only 1 volume left, so expect that pretty soon.
Regardless, the combo wouldn’t have been possible hadn’t it been for our tireless staff starting with joint Project manager and all round extraordinaire SystematicChaos; our long time comrade in arms SpiritofHokuto to whom I dedicate Chapter 246 of SnK to as it is titled “Spirit of Hokuto”, our most trusted editors, timers, checkers, encoders, timers from Calzone who gave it his all to edit all these volumes, to the lightning fast Katatonia, to Drax, to AngelofChaotix, to Kazuhiko1412, to GonbeFAN, to Abeshi, to Christop, to denshousha, to Haku, to Yoman, whose speedy and excellent work have made this combo happen through their tireless motivation for this goal (I’ll also get to updating the Staff page to include our new staff who have contributed so much…my apologies for the delay), our joint fansubbers/scanlators, and our generous donators for all their help!
So what’s next you ask? Who knows? I just guess you’ll just have to stay tuned and and see what happens ;)
Now enjoy the goodies!
We’re looking for a few good men! Editors, timers, and J->E transcribers, to be exact!
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