Here’s Volume 05 (Toki manga): MediaFire

Yes, that’s right folks, almost 3 years of non stop manly and old style forgotten goodness from your friendly neighborhood HnG!
Oh, and for those of you who thought I might’ve kicked the bucket, well I’m glad to inform you that I’m still alive and kickin’. Granted, I moved to another country, and am constantly on the move for my work, but I haven’t laid down my arms just yet. I mean, there’s quite a bit of Hokuto (plus new Hokuto) do to, so how could I? That said, this site would have been stagnant had it not been for the rest of team who have been sinking their teeth into the our vast projects and pumping them out as fast as our favorite buttboy rents out his behind. So my thanks goes to them, starting with first and foremost to my co-pilot SystematicChaos who has been the glue that has kept the group running so excellently; and the tireless effort and support of our co-poster SpiritofHokuto20xx; to the rest of the tireless staff whose contributions to this team are immeasurable, from Kazuhiko1412; Akromata; Katatonia (AKA Special K); Christop17; AngelofChaotix; Destroyer Ring; Haku; Denshousha; Abeshi, GonbeFAN, and our lost homey and friend Calzone who died a few months ago!! We’d also like to give a shoutout to our partners at Saizen-Fansubs, the Skaro Hunting Society, HappyScans, Illuminati-Manga, and Dynamic Pro Scanlations for their contributions to our joints, and give many thanks to all our generous Donors who have helped us bring out projects that wouldn’t have come out otherwise.
Now before I forget, we had intended to release both volumes 5 & 6, but work regrettably made my delay and there was not enough time. That said, everything is almost done from the proofreading side, so expect the edit to come relatively soon (It will come, no lie)!
With that, I hope we can continue to do another 1000 hitter on top of this one, and we hope you continue to enjoy our releases.
We’re looking for a few good men! Editors, timers, and J->E transcribers, to be exact!
Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!