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    Agnes Mask vol. 03 ch. 28 (Manga)

    July 3rd, 2024

    4661-HIT COMBO!
    Pro wrestling is one of the few professions where you’re encouraged to fight your boss. Not that there aren’t consequences, though.

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    Seikimatsu Bakuroden Saga vol. 05 ch. 34 (Manga)

    July 2nd, 2024

    4660-HIT COMBO!
    Golf is cool and all, but let’s get a little gambling in this gambling manga, why not?

    Read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!

    Date Omito Gaiden vol. 09 ch. 60 & Complete Volume 9 (Manga)

    July 1st, 2024

    4659-HIT COMBO!
    Every fighting game player knows that a parallel world plot is just a convenient excuse for a mirror match.

    Read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!