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    Kinnikuman episode 48 (Anime)

    Here’s Kinnikuman episode 48(Anime)!

    AVI FC | MKV FC | AVI & MKV Torrent

    629-HIT COMBO!
    Oh hi there, how’s everyone doing? Bet you didn’t expect to see me on the front page today? Did everyone enjoy the Big Fight arc? Hungry for some more Kinnikuman action? Then let’s serve you the next arc in the series with a full plate of Buffalo meat in the Seven Devil Chojin arc. Here’s where the series picks the pace up as Kinnikuman faces yet more deadly (and unique) wrestlers than ever before. I’m starting to think Kinnikuman really has a busy schedule of kicking ass and eating Gyudon. And yes, he’s out of Gyudon.

    We’re looking for a few good men! Editors, timers, and Japanese transcribers, to be exact!

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    10 responses to “Kinnikuman episode 48 (Anime)”

    1. sniffsniffzup says:

      You guys are the best! Thanks!

    2. ninjacloud says:

      OMG !!!, you know Spirit … I was shocked by your avatar, it looks manly ^^
      Thanks for the new Kinnikuman ofc ^^

    3. destro says:

      omg finally!!!i can’t wait!!!!

    4. SpiritofHokuto20xx says:

      No problem ninjacloud! :D

    5. Hokuto says:


    6. James says:


    7. Kanji says:

      Thanks guy!! Buffaloman away!!

    8. Tony Tony Choppa says:

      OMG Ive been trying to track this show down for years Ive searched every corner of the web for the subbed version no luck. Low and behold I found you guys I an trully the happiest guy on earth. I really hope that eventually all 137 episodes are available im donating asap. Thank you so much in seeding the torrent and support you guys 100% keep up the great work!!!!

    9. Rei Rbaschi says:

      Yey, the Devil Arc!
      Been waiting a long time for this to be done [or in progress lol]
      You guys are awesome for making subs for this, thank yoou!

    10. K-Boot says:

      As I always ask, is there any chance of getting a torrent for this file?

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