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    HnK Toki Den (OVA Movie)

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s the HnK Toki Den Anime:

    AVI MU | MKV MU | AVI & MKV Torrent
    PSP Forum Exclusive Release

    It’s here, Kung-Fu Jesus is finally here!
    Well, we hope you like it ’cause we put a lot of tender love and care in this baby. For the record, this is our 2nd HnK Den release out of 5 and we do aim to do all of them. In fact, I’ll just take this opportunity to say “stay tuned” because Yuria Den is next in line.

    Credits time: First and foremost I’d like to give a big thanks to our lost homey Wimmo for meticulously and patiently going through and fixing up my impoverished translation before his retirement; much love to Seven Stars for single-handedly making the karaoke, typesetting, editing, and fixing numerous timing issues, SystematicChaos for doing a kick-ass translation check as well as encoding; Makoto for doing the initial translation check; DaiKenOH for providing the raws; dxInt for making a PSP encode; and Raul2106 for stepping up and creating/seeding the torrent.

    A’ight, now stop ya readin’ and get ta downloadin’


    EDIT: Torrent is up, please SEED!
    EDIT1: We still need DVD RAW providers and Typesetters for Bo-bobo, and Donations to order the Otokojuku DVDs!

    13 responses to “HnK Toki Den (OVA Movie)”

    1. SystematicChaos says:

      Hallelujah! (begins playing Handel’s Messiah) A great thanks to all our teammates that made this happen!

      Protip: If you play the song in the middle at 4x speed, it sounds conspicuously like an Irish drinking song…

    2. Cypher says:

      Simply Excellent. Thank you

    3. dxInt says:

      Congratulations gentlemen! I’m quite pumped to see this.

    4. Sonofsamson says:

      LOL at the “kung-fu Jesus” comment.

    5. DarkGuyver says:

      Awesome, Toki has finally been rescued from Cassandra!

      Thanks for the awesome release HnG, will seed..

    6. SpiritOfHokuto20xx says:

      Good work guys! Keep it up! Good picture to use as well.

      SysChaos: 4x speed? Wouldn’t it sound like a chipmunk irish drinking song? lol what software were you using?!

    7. PeaceWalker says:

      WOW THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THE GREAT QUALITY AND SUB…I hope we will see in near future Ken Den from the great HnG TEAM…BANZAI !!!!!!!

    8. @PeaceWalker: Ken Den, you say? Could you possibly mean this: http://hokutoarmy.wordpress.com/downloads/#HnKKen ;)

    9. SystematicChaos says:

      Spirit: The version of VLC Media Player I used made it not sound like a chipmunk.

    10. omarman says:

      Thanks For The Torrent!

    11. PeaceWalker says:

      @loverofhokuto hahaha oh man sryyy I didn’t see it thank you very much for this too ^_^

    12. faak says:

      awesome !!!

    13. afkn00b says:

      Will you be updating the links? I used to download this along time ago.

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