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    Babel II: The Returner vol. 05 ch. 47 (Manga)

    January 4th, 2024

    4480-HIT COMBO!
    Something tells me that your mind library is exactly the last place you want to burn down.

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    Be-bop High School vol. 24 ch. 171 & Complete Volume 24 (Manga)

    January 3rd, 2024

    4479-HIT COMBO!
    Desperation is not a good look on a guy.

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    B.B. vol. 01 ch. 01 (Manga)

    January 2nd, 2024

    4478-HIT COMBO!
    Ladies and gents, here we are with not just a new series but a new translator! Everybody welcome TheDingoLuchador, who’s gonna take us on this jazzy boxing journey! The boxing will come soon, don’t worry about it. In the meantime, here’s some teens being teens!

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    Chronicle of the Searing Winds of Tianzhu vol. 03 ch. 19 (Manga)

    January 1st, 2024

    4477-HIT COMBO!
    You know what, forget about India. Nepal’s clearly got it going on. I mean, check out that nautilus!

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    Napoleon: Age of the Lion vol. 04 ch. 28 (Manga)

    December 31st, 2023

    4476-HIT COMBO!
    Historical accuracy sucks sometimes. We can’t even say “let them eat cake” anymore.

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    Repair Boy vol. 05 ch. 40 (Manga)

    December 30th, 2023

    4475-HIT COMBO!
    These kids need to be flunked in disaster readiness.

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    Sora Yori Takaku vol. 16 ch. 199 (Manga)

    December 29th, 2023

    4474-HIT COMBO!
    Yeah, we’re getting too dark with all this attempted rape. Let’s have some sexy island hijinks!

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    Demon Academy vol. 03 ch. 22 (Manga)

    December 28th, 2023

    4473-HIT COMBO!
    You hear that Kenny Loggins in the background? You know where we’re going now.

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    Babel II: The Returner vol. 05 ch. 46 (Manga)

    December 27th, 2023

    4472-HIT COMBO!
    This series may be going for a more realistic vibe with the military and everything, but it’s not above a cartoon alien blaster or two.

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    Be-bop High School vol. 24 ch. 170 (Manga)

    December 26th, 2023

    4471-HIT COMBO!
    Let this be a lesson to you guys. A girl can have the best looks but still be pretty bad girlfriend material.

    Read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!