SnK vol.09 ch.91 & 92
November 27th, 2008Here’s chapter 91 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Here’s chapter 92 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Here’s another 2 chapters for you guys!
If you’ve noticed the manga releases have slowed down a little bit lately, then give yourselves a cookie cause you’re right. Basically, the frequent anime releases have doubled my workload, I’ve got a bald boss who’s working me like a slave because of the Christmas season, and to top it all off, I got a really bad malware virus which put my computer out of commission for a few days. What’s more, it looks like December and January are going to be very busy months for me and some of the staff, so get ready for a bit of a release slow down. Now, I’m sure you’ll all agree that you got a lot of goodies recently, so all I ask is that you be patient and supportive during these next 2 pain in the ass months.
PS: I added some new things in the Progress Report to make it more informative.
SnK vol.09 ch.89 & 90
November 21st, 2008SnK Episode 14 (Anime)
November 21st, 2008Here’s Episode 14 of the SnK anime:
Torrent | MegaUpload
Here it is ladies and gentlemen…Episode 14!!!
I would like to dedicate this episode to all the nice people who waited patiently and gave us encouragement to bring you the quality episodes you guys have come to expect. Likewise, I would also like to dedicate a big FUCK YOU to all the moronic impatient whiners (you know who you are) who have nothing better to do with their lives than post irritating whiny crap in the comment section.
“Now get the chance” and enjoy the show!
SnK vol.08 ch.87, 88 & Complete SnK vol.08 (Manga)
November 16th, 2008Here’s chapter 87 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Here’s chapter 88 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Here’s Volume 08 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Here we go again. Say bye bye to volume 8!
Now here’s an interesting fact for all those ‘I don’t like manga and I’m only going to see the anime’ people out there. The anime ends here at volume 08! If you want to know what happens after seeing the anime, then you have no other choice but to start reading the manga. It’s either that, or hope and pray Tetsuo Hara and Buronson continue the anime in future.
One last thing, I’m happy to announce that Effatus made a surprise appearance and edited chapter 87 for us. Thanks ol’ buddy, and good to see you back ;) Now enjoy the show…um, I mean manga :P
PS: Episode 13 is out! Well, what are you waiting for? Scroll down and get it.
SnK vol.08 ch.85 & 86
November 12th, 2008SnK Episode 13 (Anime)
November 9th, 2008Here’s Episode 13 of the SnK anime:
Torrent | MegaUpload
It’s true, it’s real, it’s episode 13!!!
First and foremost I would like to give a big big big thanks to our new translator SystematicChaos for his amazing hard work and speed demon 6 episodes (now 7) in 1 month antics!!! Many thanks Systematic Chaos, it’s good to have you on board! Likewise, I would also like to thank all the other members of Hokuto no Gun especially Makoto for checking the translation and hanging in there with us, SpiritofHokuto for his spot on timing and phenomenal editing and quality checking, DaiKenOh for encoding and fixing up the new kick ass karaoke, and our loyal McBubby for always being there, whether it be for timing, torrent making, etc, when we need him the most.
Alright I’ll shut it now and let you enjoy the show. Enjoy Hokuto Shinken vs. Hokuto Sonkaken. Wait a minute, I’m sure I’ve said this somewhere before ;)
PS Many thanks to McBubby for saving the day with the torrent link. Many thanks to those who volunterred, I’ll be contacting you soon. In the meantime, could everyone please help seed this because McBubby can’t seed it for very long.
SnK vol.08 ch.83 & 84
November 8th, 2008Here’s chapter 83 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Here’s chapter 84 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Another 2 for you!
PS: Episode 13 is ready!!! The problem is I can’t find our torrent guy, so I need a new staff member who can make torrents and seed them too. Any volunteers? The sooner I get a torrent guy, the sooner this episode is going to get posted.