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    SnK vol.08 ch.80, 81 & 82

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s chapter 80 (SnK manga): MediaFire
    Here’s chapter 81 (SnK manga): MediaFire
    Here’s chapter 82 (SnK manga): MediaFire

    3 more goodies!

    Will Xiu-Bao ever remember her love? Stay tuned! Same Hokuto time! Same Hokuto channel!

    11 responses to “SnK vol.08 ch.80, 81 & 82”

    1. Yanagi Kazunobu says:


    2. NeoPain says:

      Thx dude!


      If its possable could you on the next chapters upload on a mirror two

      like rapidshare.com??

      Mediafire gives me since 1 monat the worst speed ever!

    3. @NeoPain:
      Sorry but the answer is no. I’ve changed a lot of upload sites and I find this one to be the best all rounder. For example, I can upload everything on my own personal account, and people don’t have to endure the horrible ads and annoying waits of the other sites. Lastly, putting another mirror would give me more work, and that’s just something I can’t take on right now.

    4. Zamunda says:

      Sups :)

    5. billylee8 says:

      Uh… did you just spoil the anime for us non-manga readers?

    6. NeoPain says:

      Why dont you use

      <— very good!


      can use mediafire as mirror aswell!



      you upload your files 1 time and it spreads it to 5 and more sites

      with this you only have to upload your files 1 time and have mirrors for people like me who get bad speed from mediafire xD

    7. @billylee8:
      No, I haven’t. Don’t worry ;) Oh, and read the manga, it’s better!

      I’m pretty happy with Mediafire because I have my own account and I can delete the files whenever I want. I might consider your links in the future for uploading the various volumes, but I’m not going to change anything for the individual chapters right now because they are quite small, and I’ll probably delete them later on.

    8. Dukester says:

      Mediafire is really the best in my opinion. Granted I’ve only tried Rapidshare, Megaupload, Easyshare and a few others, but no wait time is a god send.

    9. josh says:

      Yea mediafire give me super fast speeds. I get the chapters in like 10 seconds. Thanks for the new chapters.

    10. vegetahart says:

      Thanks again guys! I have to say Tai Yan has been my fav character thus far!


      I have to agree with LOH, the manga is soooo (so, so, so, so) much better than the anime!

    11. neopain says:

      Yeah the Manga is the best!!!!!!!!
      sorry for spam xD

      thx loverofhokuto

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