April 21st, 2009
Here’s Episode 20 of the SnK anime:
Torrent | MegaUpload

In a rush…I’ll be back soon…enjoy episode 20!
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Posted by loverofhokuto
April 7th, 2009

Hi everyone!
I just wanted to let you guys know, especially HoM members, that I’ve put up a primitive HnG/HoM Chat Page on the right for people to use until Robin and I set up some type of temporary forum for everyone. I decided to create this page to tide people over right now because my real work, Wimmo’s insane amount of translations, and my own preparations for an upcoming Easter break isn’t giving me much time to look into the forum issue at the moment. So go ahead, feel free to chat, send news, links etc etc.
EDIT: After posting the above, I received a few kind offers from different people volunteering to host a temporary HoM forum on their respective sites. I really appreciate what everyone is trying to do, but I personally don’t feel comfortable supporting or promoting another forum using the HoM name especially when we’re not entirely sure if HoM is really dead. If HoM is dead, I think it is only proper to ask SuperJ and the former HoM moderators to moderate any new forum that has the HoM slogan on it before we proceed. Therefore, I set up a temporary chat in order to facilitate the community, and have HoM mods like King of Ken tell us what they plan to do next. These things take time, so please be patient till we work something out.
In other news, I am also looking into creating a forum for HnG, which I would be happy to join with HoM if they so wished. I’m still looking into buying a site, so I would really appreciate it if people could email me regarding a good place to host the site, or give me some ideas as to where the HnG team can moderate their own temporary forum until we receive the funding needed for a permanent solution.
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Posted by loverofhokuto
April 3rd, 2009
Here’s chapter 10 (HnK Jagi manga): MediaFire
The show must go on, so here’s another chapter of Jagi Gaiden! The story is starting to move pretty fast now, and we’re also getting to see more familiar faces.
PS – Seeing as how HoM seems to be down for good, Robin is trying to get create a temporary HoM forum at our Brazilian joint group HnK Fansubs. I’m also thinking of doing the same for HnG because we haven’t received nearly enough donations needed to host our own site with its own forum. Please think about helping the group towards this goal by offering a modest donation. Thanks.
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
April 2nd, 2009
It is with great sadness that I announce that Izmoo, an active member of the HnK French forums such as Hokuto Legacy and Son of Hokuto (and even a causal member of HoM), died two days ago. I must admit it came as a shock to me because I was in communication with him fairly recently, so the whole experience seems somewhat surreal to say the least. What makes matters worst is that he was young and the cause of death seems like something which could have been avoided. He was a very active scanlator amongst the French HnK community and he even had his own blog Mega-Izmoo in which he shared the HnK series, the new HnK movies, the HnK manga, and other anime/manga in the French language. Lastly, the HnK community is like another type of family to me, and his association with fansubs/scanlations brings things much closer to home. My condolences to his family, and may he rest in peace.
– LoverofHokuto
EDIT: Iceman57 has posted the following address of the funeral for those of you who wish to send your condolences directly to Ismael Carrier’s (aka Izmoo) family:
Lucien Rouleau & Fils Inc.
(Funeral of M. Carrier Ismael)
205, rue Thibault
G4W 2W1
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Posted by loverofhokuto