January 31st, 2012
Here’s chapter 9 (Edajima Den manga): MediaFire
The thought police have Wang, and only Edajima can save him from 1984! Plus, a cameo of a historical figure, taking all guesses as to who it is; answers will be revealed in the next chapter! And thanks to kazuhiko1412 for offering to finish up the volume!
In all honesty, though, this chapter is really shitty. You’ll see what I mean.
Scroll down for SnK and Violence Jack!
We are in the process of moving our links to another sharing site, but we are experiencing technical difficulties. Please bear with us, and PLEASE HELP US SEED our torrents in the meantime.
It has been pointed out to us that our release of Raoh Den: Jun’ai no Sho was not the director’s cut, as we had been led to believe (thanks to Bellum for catching that). Drax is helping us out with this little problem, so expect the proper version real soon!
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Posted by SystematicChaos
January 30th, 2012
Here’s chapter 208 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Bald vs. Hair (and goatee)…Round 1…Fight!
Don’t forget to scroll down for some Violence Jack and Mars!
We are in the process of moving our links to another sharing site, but we are experiencing technical difficulties. Please bear with us, and PLEASE HELP US SEED our torrents in the meantime.
It has been pointed out to us that our release of Raoh Den: Jun’ai no Sho was not the director’s cut, as we had been led to believe (thanks to Bellum for catching that). Drax is helping us out with this little problem, so expect the proper version real soon!
Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
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Posted by loverofhokuto
January 29th, 2012
Here’s chapter 18 (Violence Jack manga): MediaFire
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, transvestites… and transvestites, introducing, the one and only… Slum King! …who is not in this chapter.
Don’t forget to scroll down for SnK and Mars! And don’t forget to visit HappyScans’ website, or DynamicPro’s!
We are in the process of moving our links to another sharing site, but we are experiencing technical difficulties. Please bear with us, and PLEASE HELP US SEED our torrents in the meantime.
It has been pointed out to us that our release of Raoh Den: Jun’ai no Sho was not the director’s cut, as we had been led to believe (thanks to Bellum for catching that). Drax is helping us out with this little problem, so expect the proper version real soon!
Read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!
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Posted by SystematicChaos
January 28th, 2012
Here’s chapter 207 (SnK manga): MediaFire

Get ready for America’s youngest airing soap…The Bald and the Beautiful!
Don’t forget to scroll down for some Mars and Kinnikuman!
We are in the process of moving our links to another sharing site, but we are experiencing technical difficulties. Please bear with us, and PLEASE HELP US SEED our torrents in the meantime.
It has been pointed out to us that our release of Raoh Den: Jun’ai no Sho was not the director’s cut, as we had been led to believe (thanks to Bellum for catching that). Drax is helping us out with this little problem, so expect the proper version real soon!
Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
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Posted by loverofhokuto
January 27th, 2012
Here’s chapter 11 (Mars manga): MediaFire
I tell you wut, that Sphinx ain’t right…
Scroll down for SnK and Kinnikuman! And don’t forget to visit HappyScans’ website, or DynamicPro’s!
We are in the process of moving our links to another sharing site, but we are experiencing technical difficulties. Please bear with us, and PLEASE HELP US SEED our torrents in the meantime.
It has been pointed out to us that our release of Raoh Den: Jun’ai no Sho was not the director’s cut, as we had been led to believe (thanks to Bellum for catching that). Drax is helping us out with this little problem, so expect the proper version real soon!
Read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!
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Posted by SystematicChaos
January 26th, 2012
Here’s chapter 206 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Get ready to experience some of the best Hibedu’s/Abeshi’s in the history of Hokuto!
Don’t forget to scroll down for some Kinnikuman and Spiderman!
We are in the process of moving our links to another sharing site, but we are experiencing technical difficulties. Please bear with us, and PLEASE HELP US SEED our torrents in the meantime.
It has been pointed out to us that our release of Raoh Den: Jun’ai no Sho was not the director’s cut, as we had been led to believe (thanks to Bellum for catching that). Drax is helping us out with this little problem, so expect the proper version real soon!
Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
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Posted by loverofhokuto
January 25th, 2012
Here’s chapter 205 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Care for a little cat stew, chaps?!
Don’t forget to scroll down for some Kinnikuman and Spiderman!
We are in the process of moving our links to Refile.com. Please bear with us while we put up the new links.
It has been pointed out to us that our release of Raoh Den: Jun’ai no Sho was not the director’s cut, as we had been led to believe (thanks to Bellum for catching that). Drax is helping us out with this little problem, so expect the proper version real soon!
Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
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Posted by loverofhokuto
January 24th, 2012
Here’s episode 28 of the Kinnikuman anime!
AVI RF | MKV RF | AVI & MKV Torrent

More of that show you all know and love! This episode really makes you wonder how big the Chojin Olympics’ budget is… But at least they’re spelling Olympic right for once!
Scroll down for some SnK and Spider-Man!
Due to MultiUpload’s utter stupidity, we’re going to be trying a number of different filehosts to see which one best suits our purposes. We’ll start off with Refile.net. Please give feedback as soon as possible!
It has been pointed out to us that our release of Raoh Den: Jun’ai no Sho was not the director’s cut, as we had been led to believe (thanks to Bellum for catching that). Drax is helping us out with this little problem, so expect the proper version real soon!
Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
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Posted by SystematicChaos
January 23rd, 2012
Here’s chapter 204 (SnK manga): MediaFire
A flashback and a birth place to boot?! Yes indeedy!
Don’t forget to scroll down for some Spiderman and Violence Jack!
We are in the process of moving our links to another sharing site, but we are experiencing technical difficulties. Please bear with us, and PLEASE HELP US SEED our torrents in the meantime.
It has been pointed out to us that our release of Raoh Den: Jun’ai no Sho was not the director’s cut, as we had been led to believe (thanks to Bellum for catching that). Drax is helping us out with this little problem, so expect the proper version real soon!
Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
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Posted by loverofhokuto
January 22nd, 2012
Here’s chapter 1 (Spider-man manga): MediaFire

That’s right, true believers! Hokuto no Gun has picked up another surprise; the long-forgotten Spider-man manga by Ikegami Ryoichi, partnering once again with HappyScans to bring it out! This has been translated by yours truly, cleaned by Revilenigma and edited once again by Kazuhiko1412! Now enjoy yet another rendition of Spidey’s origin story, but beware, for the chapters are quite long. We’ll be getting more of this shortly! Excelsior!
Don’t forget to scroll down for SnK and Violence Jack! And don’t forget to visit HappyScans’ website!
It has been pointed out to us that our release of Raoh Den: Jun’ai no Sho was not the director’s cut, as we had been led to believe (thanks to Bellum for catching that). Drax is helping us out with this little problem, so expect the proper version real soon!
Read our About & FAQ tab before the thought of commenting even crosses your mind!
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Posted by SystematicChaos