Gulliver Boy episode 11 (Anime)
Here’s episode 11 of the Gulliver Boy anime!
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You encounter an ancient ruin with a precious treasure inside, but it’s full of traps. What do you do? If your answer is “blow the whole place up”, congratulations! You may be a moonface!
DONATION DRIVE – OPERATION GET WHATEVER HOKUTO & MANGA WE CAN WHILE IN JAPAN!: SystematicChaos is currently in Japan and wishes to go on a shopping spree in order to buy some long lost gems. We have used some of the money you guys have kindly donated, but since we want to keep some for the renewal of the website, we would appreciate more donations to get more stuff. This includes, but is not limited to, the complete HnK Extreme Edition (which we will translate), Strawberry HnK, and Garuda since the scans we found were regrettably low quality magazine scans. We don’t have a specific goal right now because the list is endless, but the more you donate, the more we’ll get.
We’re looking for a few good men! Editors, timers, and J->E transcribers, to be exact!
Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
Normally, that’d be discrimination, but this particular situation is an exceptional one.
Thanks for bringing Gulliver Boy to us again!
Oh, Moonface, you would be best of friends with me homeboy Alexander the Great.
Thanks for bringing Gulliver Boy, I really like this one!
Thank you guys!
I really LOVE this show so much!
DON”T stop and keep going 3>
Will this show ever resume being subbed? I will donate at least $3 for each episode.
I would also be willing to donate money for more episodes subbed.
Can you at least provide the raws? They don’t seem to have seeders anywhere.