Recruitment Update
So, with the end of the semester drawing closer, I’m starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and though I still have a couple papers that need to be done, I’d like to start planning ahead for a productive Christmas break. The karaoke for Otokojuku is nearly done, just a few touch-ups in terms of font choice are needed. However, both of the projects that I am currently managing have one major problem: typesetters. The current typesetter for Bo-bobo is slow as hell (hence the slow releases), and the only person to volunteer for typesetting Bo-bobo was someone who has no experience with typesetting and only volunteered because no one else was stepping up. I haven’t heard from either of them in about a month. I’ve given the Bo-bobo typesetter a warning that if he doesn’t pick up the pace, I will have to replace him. So in case he doesn’t respond, I will need another typesetter for both of these projects (Chued, if you still want to do Otokojuku, you’d better let me know ASAP). Otokojuku shouldn’t be too typesetting-intensive, so no experience will be necessary. However, Bo-bobo is very heavy on signs and text, so I will only accept someone who has had typesetting experience.
Furthermore, the departure of Wimmo has left a gaping hole in all of our projects. So if you are fluent in both English and Japanese, do us a favor and sign up for either:
1. Translator for the HnK Gaidens
2. Translator for Kinnikuman (which we will consider resuming if someone signs up)
3. Translation Checker for Bo-bobo or Otokojuku
4. DVD Raw Provider for Bo-bobo or Otokojuku
LoH, please let me know if I’ve missed anything.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to bringing you the great stuff you’ve been waiting for. Viva HnG!
EDIT: I just heard from the Bo-bobo typesetter, and he’s saying that he’s currently swamped with real life issues, so it may be best to find someone else.
i can help in cleaning and Write the translation
by photoshop …..
but i dont speak frinsh … sorry
iam translating now hokuto no ken
from english to arabic
but i can not find the volume 6 & 7 & 8
translated into english
i can help as you wish
edit, clean ,Write the chapters
iam waiting for your answer
I think u guys should join forces with other teams and maybe dorama teams since they know jap and can translate
I can provide a dvd raw of otokojokko which has a very excellent vid quality..
also, I don’t think wimmo would be troubled if you asked him to give you the raws as it’s not that hard or time-consuming sharing them, ISOs should be no problem at all
Arcas: I can’t get a hold of Wimmo anymore so that is no longer an option. I’ll ask a couple other of my friends in Japan, but in case that doesn’t work, has anyone else got them?
mohamed: To the best of my knowledge, we don’t need any more manga staff aside from translators. If LoH knows of any projects that need cleaners and stuff, he can tell you.
marzoqi: There have been several suggestions to us to join with other teams, but we have our own reasons to not do so. LoH could probably articulate it better than I can.
Yes to everything SC said ^^!
@marzoqi: Basically, I’ve had bad experiences with joints in the past so a joint is never going to happen. There’s more, but I’m quite busy now so I don’t want to get into it. Regardless, there’s a lot of talented people out there, so we aren’t really asking much, especially when SC has done most of the hard work. I guess it boils down to this; if you guys want to see your favorite shows soon, then help. If not, then wait.
it is me mohamed
i wander if you will
continue translating the managa hocuto no ken
fist of the north star
there are about 22 chapters that are not
it is important to answer me
wish i could help, currently studying Japanese at college but I am pretty sure i am not at the level that you need (just took the jlpt level 3 and kinda iffy on how well i did) maybe in the future though, hope you can find some good staff to fill the gaps (really looking forward to the future Bobobo releases.)
We’re not doing the original Hokuto no Ken manga and we don’t intend to either. A group called Delinquent-Manga are doing it so you should go speak to them about it. Last I heard, they were looking for a cleaner so you sound like the right person for them.
Arcas: I think I’ll take up on your offer for the Otokojuku raws. Could you email me at and await further instructions?