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    Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo episode 28 (Anime)

    Here’s episode 28 of the Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo anime!

    AVI UC | MKV UC | AVI & MKV Torrent

    1321-HIT COMBO!
    Okay, folks, you’ve waited for it, so it’s time to introduce my original characters, Blom and Blerry (do not steal).

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    13 responses to “Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo episode 28 (Anime)”

    1. HajikeMaster666 says:

      The heavens heard my call! Thank you kindly, I was beginning to fear oblivion, and now my heart fills with glee.

    2. kyled says:

      OH YEAH BABY DUCKS! Bobobo bobo bobobo owweeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

      Dank ye.

    3. Late Nakagawa Ryo says:

      Won’t download, clicking the buttons won’t do anything

    4. Masu says:

      I’m filled with joy, thanks for the good news!

    5. Gombart says:

      Thank you!
      The MKV got deleted / is not available.
      Please reupload if possible.

    6. garuknight says:

      Thank you for this awesome project! I was waiting one fansub with the necessary willpower for translate this incredible anime. I’m a Spanish Fansub (Time Travelers Fansub) and I’m translating to spanish lost animes, like Bobobo or Yu Yu Hakusho. Could I work with your version for my translation? Obviously, I will mention this fansub in my version, cause it’s a really good work.
      Ganbare, and thanks again for this awesome project!

    7. Ark says:

      Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, i was looking for this anime subbed and found you guys, hoping one day it might be completed. Awesome work, thank you very much for the episodes so far.

    8. zysyl says:

      hi guys. On http://www.hokutonogun.com/?page_id=20920#Bobobo you have translation and timing for all episodes. I don’t like watch anime in endub. where can I download yours subs?

      • SystematicChaos says:

        For episodes 1-28, you can download them on our Downloads page.
        For episodes 29-76, you can download them in the future.

    9. Sultoon says:

      r thr stll plns fr th fn sbs t bn mr thn yr snc ths psd :^

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