SnK vol.12 ch.127
Here’s chapter 127 (SnK manga): MediaFire
Miss me!
Here’s some SnK for those wanting their SnK fix. Yuria Gaiden is next!
PS: I’m not going to be uploading individual chapters on the Downloads page anymore because I’m far too busy.
PPS: We decided to put Juuza on hold until we get our mits on the tankobon.
thanks a lot. good to see some SnK again
Oh, yeah. Souten is the best.
All I can say when a new chapter of Souten or anything Hokuto is released is…
Thanks for posting another SNK chapter. It would be great if you could skip the Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo stuff and other non Hokuto related media, so your team could focus more on SNK.
Please don’t misunderstand, I am very greatful that you are translating any of this stuff at all, it would just be even more awesome if you gave the SNK fans their fix more often. The HNK spin offs, such as Jagi Gaiden and so on, to me aren’t that great, they were made primarily to just milk the most money out of the long ago completed HNK series. In my opinion, SNK is of the most relevance to Hokuto related media being made today. I realize you and your crew have lives and have a lot of stuff going on besides translating manga, thus it would be good if you focused on what fans of this website want most, SNK.
In any event, thank you for all your efforts and keep up the good work.
A few points here:
1) Bobobo is actually SystematicChaos’ project so that doesn’t effect SnK or any other Hokuto project at all.
2) Doing the HnK spin-offs; we’ve got two Japanese to English translators working on them (and they’re really hard to come by) so I’m always going to put them ahead of SnK because SnK can always be translated from French to English. Besides, there’s quite a few fans (me included) who like them; especially Rei and Toki.
3) The whole crew (especially me) have been really busy so things inevitably slow down when we are. Also, you might have noticed that SnK 128 still hasn’t been translated yet because one of our translators has been quite busy himself.
Like I said, I meant no offense, and I do appreciate all of your efforts.
Take care.
HnG, I put your shoes on my head! <3
I really hate the spin offs.
Thanks for another great chapter!