The Legendary Musings of Professor Munakata vol. 06 ch. 35 & Complete Volume 6 (Manga)
Here’s Chapter 35 (Professor Munakata manga): MediaFire
Here’s Volume 6 (Professor Munakata manga): MediaFire
So… This may look a lot like a last hurrah for Professor Munakata. But nope. He’s still got one more volume, a few spinoffs, and a sequel series that’s well over twice as long to get through. So this won’t be the last you see of Professor Munakata.
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I am SO glad it’s not yet the last! I adore this series and character, and you as usual have done a *wonderful* job with each page. There are not enough exclamation points in the WORLD to truly express both your level of loving professionalism and the worth of what you bring us!
I’m often bed-bound due to illness, and if I read solid blocks of text for too long I get a migraine. Videos are helpful, but that level of detail doesn’t distract me enough because it enhances the feeling that the story is *something else*, something outside of myself.
But sequential art, as Will Eisner and Scott McCloud called comics (see below*), allows me to _fall into the story_ and _fall away from my body_ and its pain, &c., without triggering new symptoms for a long while.
I didn’t mean to run on like this and, yeah, it’ll mean putting off other stuff since I get a fever from activity (I have the constant, daily form of But I’m enjoying letting you all know how much you help me.
I used to be a tech writer before I got too sick to work and I studied Japanese in college, so I know how much work goes into what you do. Take care of yourselves first so you don’t end up burning out your body like me, okay? I say this greedily, so you can be in scanlation for the long run. Heh!
* If you haven’t read _Understanding Comics_ by Scott McCloud, I think you’d enjoy it. He also has a TED talk, but the book & its sequels make the concepts so much more accessible. See: (McCloud’s TED talk.) (A link to the first book from the TED talk comments.)
Also: (Distraction/diversion is one of the 5 psychological therapies discussed here that actually reduce pain.)