Akatsuki!! Otokojuku vol. 14 ch. 109 (Manga)
Here’s chapter 109 (Akatsuki!! Otokojuku manga): MediaFire
That’s right folks, we’ve straight up got magical weapons now. How Otokojuku has changed.
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Hv y gys rlnqshd Knnkmn? mss nw psds!
Oh so this is what a disembowled person sounds like
Hey everybody, look at me, I don’t read rules and I throw a hissy fit when I get what’s coming to me!
Oh I’m sorry dude I thought I was going along with the joke. Didn’t mean to offend you?
Yeah… no, this is what people who don’t read the About & FAQ look like.
Back during the Third Asgardian Wars on Avalon, which btw we later found out was a plot kickstarted by Senator Mendieta and his Martian masters, my platoon and me had to use some mystical weapons so we could kill a whole legion of cyborg basilisks so they wouldnt possess our souls. Thankfully, Commander Chaos arrived on a specially designed atomic bomb so we could end their menace.
Oh, and I liked this chapter of Akatsuki, always good!