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    HnG Members Lost in Deadly Alpaca Typhoon!

    Okay, so I lied about the typhoon. But we have lost a very capable member of Hokuto no Gun. Our main Hokuto translator Seven Stars, who did a whole assortment of other things for the group (including SOJ and GSR), has officially gone MIA, leaving a gaping hole in his midst (He’s doing fine, though, not to worry). Not to mention we were already understaffed as it is.

    With that, I would like to announce that Hokuto no Gun is now recruiting all positions! If you have any skills in fansubbing, or would like to learn, please let one of us know immediately! We especially need:

    Japanese -> English Translators: Must be fluent in both, and willing to do both translations and translation checking.
    Typesetters: Must be able to do .ASS typesetting, create karaoke, typeset signs, all that good stuff.
    DVD RAW Providers: Come on, guys! Someone’s got to have at least one Bo-bobo DVD out there…
    Torrent Creators: We could always use more of these, seeing how our new torrent creator balls’d up on Otokojuku…

    Ah, what the hell, who am I kidding? No one’s ever stepped up to any recruitment drives in the past. Well maybe they will this time when I announce that ALL HOKUTO HNG RELEASES WILL BE WITHHELD AND OUR OTHER PROJECTS WILL UNDERGO A MAJOR SLOWDOWN UNLESS PEOPLE JOIN! We will still be working on whatever little we have of them, but until we get everyone we need, we will only make one release per new recruit! This is official and will not be overturned by incessant whining!

    PS: We also still need donations for Otokojuku!

    31 responses to “HnG Members Lost in Deadly Alpaca Typhoon!”

    1. RAOH76 says:

      How much do you think the Otokojuku DVD’s will cost? (including the movie of course), I bet we could get 10+ members to cover it (I’ll pay at least 10% as long as others step up too, we should have a Charge! Otokojuku drive or something…okay well, put me down as donor #1 and lets get at least 9 more people…just an idea.

      Also– I’m just gonna say it….and I know the character is modeled after Kenshiro but, why do people like Bo-bobo, its just silly nonsense (sorry everyone, I know its just MY opinion and I hate to be that guy to put down stuff people are working VERY hard on, but I think Kinnukuman (yes, I know the French Group is M.I.A.) is a much funnier, much more classic anime that deserves attention (gets in a defensive stance from onslaught about to occur)

      Thanks either way for doing a million times more work than I am doing sitting on my ass and typing this, not contributing and just bitching (but not really :)

      Seriously though I want to help at least in the Otokojuku dept., and I bet at least 9 others would gladly split the costs, so maybe a drive might be a kewl idea?

    2. We’ve got some donations (some quite generous in fact), but this box set isn’t cheap and we’re still a ways off. We’ve also got a forum to tend to, so as much as we hate to ask, we do need the cash.

      PS: I just received the next edit of SnK! Oh man, it’s really good! Shame we’re not gonna release it till we get some staff.

    3. Rudolph Hotler says:

      Sorry, can’t really contribute anything in any of those categories. Maybe you should be less greedy with accumulating new projects and stick with HnK/SnK? Just a thought :)

    4. Jack says:

      I completely agree with ” Rudolph Hotler “, too many projects, HNK/SNK is the real soul of the site and that’s what we want.. sorry for not being able to give some help anyway..

    5. SystematicChaos says:

      @Rudolph: Well maybe you should be a little more grateful that we’ve done anything at all? Just a thought

    6. RAOH76 says:

      Here’s the thing everyone:

      Animes like Charge! Otokojuku and Kinnukuman are GREAT (Bo-bobo not so much :)) and while I am probably one of THE BIGGEST/most obsessive HNK fans (yeah, I know we ALL are) these are SO GOOD and NO ONE has really stepped up to give them a quality rip/sub treatment, I’ve wanted to see these, well, since I was like twelve years old… I know I can’t speak for LoH and Systematic but maybe they feel the same way, they’re just too good to be lost in the shuffle of time and crap anime.

      Its not like other SNK and HNK things aren’t coming out, because they are, and in a pretty timely fashion I might add. Other sub groups (like the one doing Golgo 13) aren’t quite as good when you see the final result, have crap encodes which ONLY work on your computer and on top of that they either release like one episode every three months OR do a whole bunch, but then they get BURNT OUT and never finish what they started, which SUCKS when you need closure!!!

      Granted, spreading efforts out thinly over many projects can slow things a bit, but not really when they are waiting on things from other people ANYWAY…its a matter of timing/what the next part of that particular goal/project/queue is, I think you have valid arguments but aren’t seeing the big picture here…

      To summarize and get at the real point here:

      Man-tastic Manimes need love (no homo :P)
      P.S. Except Bo-bobo

    7. NazoNoKage says:

      Oh snap, if I could only do something you guys need, sadly, I’m kinda useless…good luck on the recruiting :)

    8. SystematicChaos says:

      RAOH76: Thanks for that, but… dude, what’s with the Bo-bobo hate? You’re entitled to your own opinion, but here’s why I think Bo-bobo is worth a sub. It’s one of the most random and unpredictable things ever (and trust me, it gets better than the first three episodes, I especially love episodes 27-51) that parodies everything under the sun, especially Hokuto no Ken. Plus, it’s got such a bad rep in the West cause of a terrible dub, so people over here need to see the real thing. The main reason it’s higher priority than Kinnikuman is that it’s shorter than Kinnikuman. But that’s negotiable if we get another translator. Anyway, lighten up.

      And Rudolph, RAOH76 is right. I’m in charge of the anime projects and Spirit and I do most of the work for them. I hardly touch the HnK releases, except to give them a TL check. Which means that our HnK/SnK releases aren’t slowed down at all by our anime projects, like we’ve said ten billion times already. However, now that we’ve lost our HnK translator, we can’t go on without spreading ourselves really thin.

    9. Yeah, which means now that our main Hokuto translator is gone, most of Hokuto (bar SnK) will now fall on SC. But I guess that means SC should stop all his other projects, right? Or maybe I should take on more than I already have, right?, Um no, Staff we need and Staff we must have. If not, I’ll just sit here patiently stroking my edit of SnK like an evil Bond villain.

    10. christop17 says:

      I would help, but I only know english, don’t know what a typesetter does, and I can’t make a torrent (or know what that is), plus I don’t know how to get the DVD RAWS, would totally help, but I have no idea how, besides donating of course, if any one is willing to teach, I’ll be willing to learn.

    11. Bloodsack says:

      so…I guess no more Sakigake!! Otokojuku for a while then?

    12. SystematicChaos says:

      @Bloodsack: Well, we lost our TL checker, so we’re kind of stalled there. If we can find another TL checker we’ll be back on track. We are NOT dropping anything!

      @christop17: If you can learn how to typeset that would be great. I can’t teach you, unfortunately, but you could probably look up some tutorials online. A typesetter’s basic job is to pick fonts, but things like positioning words on signs and karaoke are also done by the typesetter.
      We mostly need a typesetter for Bo-bobo, which we won’t be doing until after Otokojuku is done. If you think you want to try and learn, though, I’d recommend downloading Aegisub and start practicing now. Bo-bobo has lots of signs; it’s not for the faint-hearted.

    13. Sonofsamson says:

      I don’t speak Japanese, so I can’t help you there, and I don’t know anything about typesetting. However, I am willing to donate a few bucks so you can get the raws of the series you need, though Souten No Ken manga is the only thing I really look at here. But, if Souten No Ken can be sped along a bit by making a donation, I’ll give $10. I assume with another $40 you can buy the raws?

      Also, people who speak Japanese might not even visit this site. If they can understand the raws, they don’t need to look for subtitled works. Perhaps you might put the word out on some Japanese American websites that you are seeking translators who also love manga/anime (and thus will work for free)? Just a thought.

    14. Sonofsamson says:

      OK, just donated $10 (Cary Kelly)

    15. Xx KeNoH xX says:

      I can’t really help with anything except torrent creating if that helps? I don’t know Japanese fluently and I don’t know anything about typesetting b/c otherwise I would help b/c I’m dying to see the rest of Sakigake Otokojuku. However I understand that getting staff together to do this for free must be extremely tough. If you need help in the torrent creating part however, I can help

    16. darkonezero says:

      I want to volunteer as a torrent creator,just tell me what to do.

    17. Sonofsamson: Firstly, thank you for the donation. The Japanese box set isn’t cheap (just look it up), but every little counts. That said, we’re nearly at the 70% mark so we’re getting close to our target.
      As for translators; we’re trying to do whatever we can, but I implore all of you to try and get the word out too.

      darkonezero: Our torrent creator just told us that he had some internet problems over the weekend, so we haven’t ruled him out yet. That said, I’m starting to think that having two torrent creators might be a better idea, especially when external circumstances strike, so let me consult the staff and get back to you on that. Btw, do you have experience in torrent creating and uploading files on sites like TokyoTosho?

    18. McCool009 says:

      …Tough ain’t it?

      Is it really the actual act of torrent creating you need help with, or do you need people who can be dedicated seeders? I think I can help with the former (I’ve just registered with Nyaa and TT and it doesn’t look that hard), but not so much the latter. I mean I’m not a leecher, I usually make sure my ratios are good even when it’s not tracked, but I can’t seed stuff for days on end with my bandwidth.

      Well, I’ll keep in touch if you’re interested.

    19. MSM2 says:

      I can’t typeset (or no how) or provide Raws. I have very little knowledge of Japanese (I can make out a couple of phrases but not much) BUT I could try doing torrent creating if nyaa is acceptable.

      Feel free to contact me with info on how you want that down if you need more creators.

    20. Rudolph Hotler says:

      @SystematicChaos Heh, I never said I’m not grateful. I always applaud efforts to bring out stuff that “no one” cares about. If it’s not a conflict of interest between series that’s holding you back, then that’s good. I’m just saying that if, IF it becomes a choice between your primary stuff (and I assume HnK/SnK still is that, it’s in the group name after all) and some other projects, it shouldn’t be too hard to sort out the priorities.

      I apologize if I seemed ungrateful. Heck, I know personally how frustrating it can be to work on a series that doesn’t get all the glory and support most of the generic shounen trash does.

    21. robert westerman says:

      i don’t know any japanese at all but i would be willing to learn and help out if i can.

    22. darkonezero says:

      I have none, but I can figure it out.

    23. @Xx KeNoH xX & darkonezero:
      Our torrent guy is back in business, but I’ll keep your emails in case we need you in the future. Is that ok with you two? And Xx KeNoH xX, have you created torrents and seeded them before? Sorry about asking now, but I forget to add your name in my previous post because I was in a rush and only saw darkonezero’s reply.

      Thanks again guys, and keep an eye on your emails because we might need you in future. Oh, and this goes to everyone, please help us seed for as long as you can because we want to get this out to as many people as we can for as long as possible.

    24. christop17 says:

      @SystematicChaos: Alright, I’ll give it a shot this weekend, when I’m not busy doing the you (don’t) know what.

    25. darkonezero says:

      That’s alright, just let me know when you need me. I’ll be looking into creating torrents from sites and stuff.

    26. Thanks.

      Btw, the Episodes 01-08 Batch Torrent of Otokojuku is up, so get it while it’s hot:
      AVI Eps. 01-08 Torrent
      MKV Eps. 01-08 Torrent

    27. Ittan-momen says:

      I might be able to help out with the Bo-bobo tyepsetting. I’ve been playing around with Aegisub since last night and I think I got the hang of it. Just don’t expect anything too fancy as I’m still messing around with the karaoke effects.

    28. de_digibeet says:

      just tried to seed the mkv torrent for 1-8, the crc of ep 8 does not match the tag (although it does match the MU file) and it found a total of 51 “corrupt/different” pieces in ep 2-7, even though they do match the crc-tags …
      after downloading those pieces the files obviously don’t match the crc-tags anymore (i kept a copy of the original files)

      real crc of ep 8 = 808FB511

      ep 1 is still good though

    29. SystematicChaos says:

      @Ittan-momen: That would be great. Unfortunately, Bo-bobo typesetting is not for the faint-hearted. There are about a bajillion signs, and we may need a bit of fancy stuff. Fortunately, Bo-bobo is on hold until we finish Otokojuku, so you’ll have plenty of time to practice. Tell you what. Why don’t I send you an email with the scripts of the first three episodes of Bo-bobo and you can see if you can get up to that level in a few months?

      @de_digibeet: Hmm… that’s weird. We really have no luck with Otokojuku torrents, eh? Do they still play alright?

      To all: Happy Canada Day! Go out and enjoy some hockey and a can of Molson!

    30. Ittan-momen says:

      Sure, I’ll see what I can do. Hopefully I can master this thing.

    31. Kyu2000 says:

      Thx a lot! I saw this anime subbed by ADTRW but they dropped ages ago… I thinked I never would see this anime again. Thx a lot! Thx a lot! Thx a lot! Thx a lot! Thx a lot! Thx a lot! (I said to you: “Thx a lot!”? Thx a lot!

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