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    HnK Yuria Den (OVA Movie)

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s the HnK Yuria Den Anime:

    AVI MU | MKV MU | AVI & MKV Torrent

    We hope you like this one too ’cause we once again put our usual tender love and care in this baby. For the record, this is our 3nd HnK Den release out of 5, so we’ve only got 2 to go!. Next in line is Raoh Den: Gekito no Sho, so stay tuned…

    Much thanks again to our lost homey Wimmo for doing another big fix up in the text before his retirement; Seven Stars for once again single-handedly making the karaoke, typesetting, editing, and fixing numerous timing issues, SystematicChaos for doing yet another kick-ass translation check and awesome encode; Makoto for doing the initial translation check; DaiKenOH for providing the raws; and darkonezero for stepping up and creating/seeding the torrent.


    EDIT: Torrent is up!
    EDIT1: We urgently need donations to obtain the Bobobo DVD raws! Because we didn’t take shipping and handling into account, the amount we need has gone from $300 to $456! What’s more, stocks are limited so we need to order as soon as possible, or else they’ll be much more expensive! So we need donations right away! With that said, we’ll be keeping you posted on our donation status until we reach our goal.

    Donated: $230
    Goal: $456
    Remaining: $226

    15 responses to “HnK Yuria Den (OVA Movie)”

    1. Sonofsamson says:

      $156 to ship some DVDs? I’ve bought a lot of DVDs from overseas, shipping was never over $10. That’s nuts.

    2. Well we’re not making it up to get people’s cash if that’s what you’re implying. Maybe SC can fill people in on the details, but you’re all free to check Amazon Japan if you don’t believe us. If someone has a better solution, please stand up.

    3. SystematicChaos says:

      @Sonofsamson: It’s about $9 bucks for each DVD. And there are 20 of them.

    4. Sonofsamson says:

      No, I was not implying you were trying to squeeze people out of more cash, I’m just surprised it cost that much.

    5. SystematicChaos says:

      We may not be trying to squeeze people out of more cash, but I swear to Bob Marley on a unicycle, the Japanese anime producers are.

    6. Znork says:

      Fuck the japs. They should have all been nuked back in DubyaDubya Two! (Just kidding :P )

    7. Awesome, thanks for the movie. It’s a shame there’s no Juza in this one. reckon he’s a key character in Yuria’s story in the original series – one of my favourites in fact.

    8. darkonezero says:

      I once bought some models to be shipped from Japan. They cost me about $30, but I blacked out when I found out how much shipping cost added…..

    9. christop17 says:


    10. Rudolph Hotler says:

      Ahhh, HnK awesomeness. Thanks :)

    11. Bader says:

      I have donated 50$ to my favorite website HnG.

    12. Bader says:

      loverofhokuto, I was wondering why you released HnK Yuria Den even though it has been released before by another fansub.

    13. @Bader: Many thanks to you and the other donors (SoH, thenox, rockinintomordor, order2chaos and serenity) for the kind donations. You guys have really stepped up (more than we had initially anticipated), so the team and I thank you from the bottom of our hearts. That said, we’re half way there, so we still urgently need more contributions to get the whole set.

      As for your Yuria question; we are releasing it (as well as the other HnK Den moves/OVAs) because:
      1) The fansubs that were released (bar HoM’s Raoh Den: Junai no Sho) were bablefish translations from French to English.
      2) I had already timed and translated the HnK movies/OVAs from French.
      3) My translations have been checked by 3 great Japanese to English translators and it clearly shows. Not only is the translation more accurate, but it flows a lot better too. As a Hokuto fan, I think we should expect only the best for our beloved series.

      PS: I have now also updated the donation report. I’ll be moving around in the next few days, as I’m on holiday, but I will make sure to try and update the donations as soon as they are received.

    14. DarkGuyver says:

      Thank HnG for a great sub of Yuria Den! I look forward to the rest of the Shin Kyuuseishu Densetsu series HnG releases.

    15. Autistic Kenshiro says:

      Since when did anime producers confuse dvds with neo geo carts? Man, $450. God damn.

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