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    SnK vol.13 ch.146 & Complete SnK vol.13

    LoverOfHokuto(Avatar)Here’s chapter 146 (SnK manga): MediaFire
    Here’s Volume 13 (SnK manga): MediaFire

    Another volume belatedly bites the dust!

    Yeah, I know. It hasn’t been the fastest of releases but work has been difficult lately and there was some other Hokuto that needed attention too. That said, props once more to all involved and we’re gonna try and push for faster releases in future.


    PS: Please take some time to keep the March 11 Sendai Earthquake in your thoughts, and do whatever you can do help out!

    PPS: Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!

    12 responses to “SnK vol.13 ch.146 & Complete SnK vol.13”

    1. christop says:

      Yes, I just love me some Hokuto related goodies! Thanks alot guys.

    2. Tiamat says:

      thanks, congrats on finishing vol 13!

    3. ljnl says:

      bbb nd mr lv.. t dsn’t hv t b stt-f-th-rt typsttng, sgn n th tp f th scrn wll d.. cmplctng th rls wld nly dscrg y t rls mr! fr hw lng hv th 50 p bn sttng thr trnsltd nd tmd? pls, m nt whnng bt nythng bt hd sm sggstns tht nd t gv.. thnks fr ll yr prvs rlss..

    4. SystematicChaos says:

      Sorry, kakaraoke. That link doesn’t seem to go anywhere, can you check it again?

      ljnl: Here’s a few facts:
      1. We are a group dedicated to quality over speed.
      2. We have a typesetter that’s skilled enough to handle these signs. We may as well not waste his talent.
      3. Our priority is Hokuto. It has always been, and will always be. Right now, we are on a roll with Juuza Gaiden. We will focus on that for now and let our typesetter get ahead.
      4. Genshi Shonen Ryu has only four episodes till completion, and I want to get that out of the way.
      5. As manager of five ongoing projects and translating a few more on the side, it is very difficult for me to coordinate everything efficiently.
      6. We just released two episodes in this past month! What, is that not enough for you?

      You have been disemvoweled. Consider this a warning: You’re not the one doing the hard work for your Bo-bobo. Don’t complain about how long it takes unless you have something to offer. And I mean offer, not suggest.

    5. kakaraoke says:

      my lttrs r cttd, prtty strng ; lts s ths tm http://www.mn.cm/gllry/122174/58497.jpg

    6. SystematicChaos says:

      Dude… that’s the exact same link as you put before, and I told you it doesn’t work! And speak English, will you? I don’t understand your gibberish!

    7. BerserkerMecha says:


    8. kakaraoke says:

      LNJ PST ^^^^^^^^ LTTRS R CTTD

    9. SystematicChaos says:

      Dude, calm down. I can’t even understand you.

    10. Eh? What’s he going on about? Is that guy retarded or something?

    11. Autistic Kenshiro says:

      Man, disemvowelement never gets old. Thanks for the goodies!

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