Hokuto no Gun is BACK! VIVA!
Hokuto no Gun is back!
You guys heard right! We’re back and stronger than ever, and we now have our own official domain name to boot! WordPress just bumped us like we were yesterday’s news, but we bumped right back and are here to stay! That said, I’d really like to thank dxInt’s brilliant tech know-how and SystematicChaos for spending their valuable time on getting things up and running again. That said, we had to pay up front rather than monthly, so we need $150 in donations! This’ll cover the website cost for two full years! Also, we still pay another $10 a month for the forum so please remember that too when you donate. Other than that, get ready for some great releases coming your way.
Edit by SystematicChaos: Sorry about the downtime. I created this account on vacation to a foreign country, and the IP address didn’t match my contact info, so they thought I was a fraud. But it’s all sorted out now.
Saizen-HnG is in urgent need of J->E translators!
Please take some time to keep the March 11 Sendai Earthquake in your thoughts, and do whatever you can do help out!
Read our Rules Section right HERE to avoid disemvowelment, deletion or worse!
Never give up
yaaaaaaaaaa great to hear it, keep it up!
The first thing i smiled about is not the return of HnG, but the complete return actually, nothing lost from old site, so this is really means you’re HURRAAAY :).
Good news! Hokuto No Gun rules!
We’re the best… around! Nothing’s ever gonna keep us down!
Has episode 11 of DD HnK been uploaded onto the net? I’ve checked the progress page and it says that it has been uploaded. But when I check the downloads page all I see is episode 1 – 10.
Thanks god you re back!!!!
your joe s torrent have been with no seeding for few days….I will start em again from the megaupload file hoping people will help with the seeding….Anyhow great work keep it up!!!+please keep releasing in .AVI
Thank you
The link you gave to the rules lead back to the wordpress page… might want to change that.
Woo! Good to have you back! Thanks for all your hard work.
. Thank you so much.
gr8, thanks 4 staying strong all this time