Date Masamune vol. 01 ch. 15 & Complete Volume 1 (Manga)
Here’s chapter 15 (Date Masamune manga): MediaFire
Here’s volume 1 (Date Masamune manga): MediaFire
Watch as Masamune makes a grave mistake… And finally the volume is over! Enjoy, and stay tuned for the next three!
DONATION DRIVE: Ok guys, we need your help once more to get a whole list of manga goodies from Japan, which have a hefty shipping fee from amazon! We need a cool $400 to buy the following so we can continue our projects and bring you some new ones. Among them, we intend to do all of Hara’s work, so without further ado here’s the list of stuff we want to get:
Tetsuo Hara Manga: 1) Keiji; 2) Ikusa; 3) DD HnK; 4) Hydra; 5) Takeki Ryusei; 6)Gifuu Dodo!! Naoe Kanetsugu – Maeda Keiji Sakegatari.
Akira Miyashita Manga: 1) Shiritsu Kiwamemichi Koukou.
Goal: $400
Current: $300
Remaining: $100
Don’t forget to visit HappyScans’ website!
We’re looking for a few good men! Editors, timers, and J->E transcribers, to be exact!
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We bow down to your glory!
That was just ONE volume?! felt like 2.
@Christop: We’re going by the bunkoban editions, which are 400 pages long and technically are two volumes crammed into one. So that means there are only four volumes instead of eight, but the volumes are longer.
Yo, I read all your scans, and love manly badass characters, especially Tetsuo Hara’s work. I really wanna finish Hana no Keiji, so I’m thinking about donating. Just one question, what series from the above list do you plan on doing next?
@Ds hero: To be honest, we can’t say for sure. We’re already in progress with Keiji and Ikusa (and most of the donations will be going to keep Keiji running), but I think aside from those ones, DDHnK might be the next one we take care of.
Lots of congratulations on top of congratulations to celebrate the whopping size of this!