August 30th, 2010
Here’s chapter 18 (HnK Rei manga): MediaFire
Rei is back!
Yes it was a long wait (I was also on vacation after all), but now he’s back with Shin and a new character to boot. For all those who thought this story baseless, get ready for a very original and highly entertaining story to unfold!
PS: SC did a buttload of Rei chapters and Cypher has officially completed the translation of Yuria Gaiden! That means, goodies will be coming once checked and edited.
PPS: Chapter 18 has been re-upped after receiving complaints of errors in the zip.
EDIT: Our donation drive had a great start to it, but now everyone seems to have gone limp. Come on guys, help us get the DVDs, and if you’re not a fan, don’t forgot that we have server costs to maintain too.
Donated: $230
Goal: $456
Remaining: $226
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
August 28th, 2010
Here’s episode 7 of the Kinnikuman anime!

Racial stereotypes for the win! Am I right?
Alright, folks, we’re heading into the 20th Chojin Olympics Arc, the first arc where Kinnikuman starts to take a turn to pro wrestling! Stay tuned for more exciting battles, fart jokes, and heartbreaking drama than ever before!
And for the rest of you, next up on the list is either Bo-bobo 4 or Yuria 6.
Our donation drive had a great start to it, but now everyone seems to have gone limp. Well, the DVDs won’t order themselves! If you enjoy Bo-bobo, help us by donating!
Donated: $230
Goal: $456
Remaining: $226
Releases |
Posted by SystematicChaos
August 27th, 2010
Here’s episode 14 of the Sakigake!! Otokojuku anime!

Introducing one of my all-time favorite Americans in anime! This episode is not to be missed! How will Momo fare against the boxing prodigy of the Super Police Academy?
Rest assured, Hokuto fans, Kinniku fans, and Bo-bobo fans, you are not forgotten. We’ll do our best to get you your fix before the month is out.
Our donation drive had a great start to it, but now everyone seems to have gone limp. Well, the DVDs won’t order themselves! If you enjoy Bo-bobo, help us by donating!
Donated: $230
Goal: $456
Remaining: $226
Edajima Count: 0 Total: 33
Releases |
Posted by SystematicChaos
August 25th, 2010
Here’s episode 6 of the Kinnikuman anime!

No, you’re not dreaming, folks. Hokuto no Gun has picked up Kinnikuman once again! We kind of stopped dead one episode away from the end of the Monster Extermination Arc, and I thought we may as well get at least this episode out of the way. Rest assured, though, there’s more to come! It is an honor to follow in the footsteps of the departed visionary Wimmo and translate this classic of classics, but damn, it’s a toughie!
Thanks to the dedicated Muscle Subs staff: Drax, our #1 Kinnikuman Fan, for timing and encoding, denshousha for a much-needed translation check, Devil Buffalo for his quality check, and Gonbe FAN for typesetting.
Please do not bug us for new episodes. Kinnikuman is our second-last priority project as of now, due to its length. Whiners will be disemvoweled.
Our donation drive had a great start to it, but now everyone seems to have gone limp. Well, the DVDs won’t order themselves! If you enjoy Bo-bobo, help us by donating!
Donated: $230
Goal: $456
Remaining: $226
Stay tuned, folks! The Big Battle August isn’t over yet!
Releases |
Posted by SystematicChaos
August 19th, 2010
Here’s episode 13 of the Sakigake!! Otokojuku anime!

Figured we wouldn’t leave you waiting too long after the last episode, so here’s the start of a new mini-arc, the last before the first really big story arc! Plus, they’ll be introducing one of my favorite characters. But you’ll just have to wait till next episode before his proper introduction…
Just a reminder that we at Hokuto no Gun do not take requests! We’re busy enough as it is with two movies, a whole buttload of manga, and four anime series (two of which are rather long), plus there’s our lives to worry about. And being the only J->E translator, the brunt of the work falls on me. From this point on, all requesters will be disemvoweled! No exceptions!
Thanks for all your donations to the cause of Bo-bobo! We’re about to start ordering DVDs once LoverofHokuto gets back from his vacation. However, we don’t quite have enough to cover the entire series. If you enjoy Bo-bobo, help us by donating!
Donated: $230
Goal: $456
Remaining: $226
Edajima Count: 1 Total: 33
Releases |
Posted by SystematicChaos
August 19th, 2010
Here’s episode 12 of the Sakigake!! Otokojuku anime!

In every series, no matter how good it is, there’s always that one episode that you just wish never happened. Sadly, folks, this is that episode. But we at HnG are dedicated to bringing you a complete quality release, so we’re giving it to you anyway. After all, it’s better than no Otokojuku.
Warning: This episode has been rated R for nudity. And it’s NOT the kind of nudity you want to see! Trust me on this! Keep your eye bleach ready! (If your name is Freezer, ignore this warning and have the image burned to the back of your retina.)
Thanks for all your donations to the cause of Bo-bobo! We’re about to start ordering DVDs once LoverofHokuto gets back from his vacation. However, we don’t quite have enough to cover the entire series. If you enjoy Bo-bobo, help us by donating!
Donated: $230
Goal: $456
Remaining: $226
Edajima Count: 0 :( Total: 32
Releases |
Posted by SystematicChaos
August 8th, 2010
Here’s the HnK Yuria Den Anime:
AVI MU | MKV MU | AVI & MKV Torrent

We hope you like this one too ’cause we once again put our usual tender love and care in this baby. For the record, this is our 3nd HnK Den release out of 5, so we’ve only got 2 to go!. Next in line is Raoh Den: Gekito no Sho, so stay tuned…
Much thanks again to our lost homey Wimmo for doing another big fix up in the text before his retirement; Seven Stars for once again single-handedly making the karaoke, typesetting, editing, and fixing numerous timing issues, SystematicChaos for doing yet another kick-ass translation check and awesome encode; Makoto for doing the initial translation check; DaiKenOH for providing the raws; and darkonezero for stepping up and creating/seeding the torrent.
EDIT: Torrent is up!
EDIT1: We urgently need donations to obtain the Bobobo DVD raws! Because we didn’t take shipping and handling into account, the amount we need has gone from $300 to $456! What’s more, stocks are limited so we need to order as soon as possible, or else they’ll be much more expensive! So we need donations right away! With that said, we’ll be keeping you posted on our donation status until we reach our goal.
Donated: $230
Goal: $456
Remaining: $226
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto
August 6th, 2010
Here’s chapter 133 (SnK manga): MediaFire
And the fight continues!
Btw, there’s some sad news regarding our beloved SnK; it seems the manga is coming to an end at a grand total of around 22-23 volumes max. Not bad I know, but I was hoping this would last longer. Still, I’m secretly hoping we at least get an OVA series in future because the anime TV series sadly didn’t do this great series the justice it truly deserved.
PS: We unfortunately have no other choice but to buy the Bobobo DVDs we need, so you guys will need to donate again if you want us to complete the series.
PPS: I just started my holiday after a month of hard labor, so I will post the Hokuto whenever I can. That said, get ready for a nice Hokuto treat in the next few days, and be on the look out for a certain SC who’s got quite a few little treats up his sleeve.
Releases |
Posted by loverofhokuto